Captain Sing-a-long

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Captain Sing-a-long was a ditto. He could transform into anything. Even Chuck Norris. Well, any song, not Chuck Norris because he roundhouse kicked all the unworthy songs offered to him away. Here are numerous transformations witnessed.

Captain Llama[edit | edit source]

Captain Sing-a-long was a treehouse who lived in a cake. He made a living slaying rakes inside a giant orange suit, but has recently decided to retire that job and now resumes his form as a duck. A duck. A duck who likes llamas.

Captain Banana[edit | edit source]

Captain Sing-a-long was a banana phone! A great new one, one who was cellular, modular, and oh-so interactavodular. He enjoyed making 'boopaloopaloo' noises and ringing a lot. He hates lunch meat and owns a pony.

Captain Sponge[edit | edit source]

Captain Sing-a-long was a sponge. A porous sponge. He lived in a pineapple in the ocean but under the sea, and for some reason liked the chant his name. He could also play flute with his nose and make odd billboards magically appear.