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“People with lisps are gay”

~ Bully


~ Lisp sufferer

“¿Habla Castellano?”

~ Andalúthsian

A lithp i-i-ith a form of thpeech impedement which cautheth the mithpronounthiation of the letter eth.

I-I-It i-i-ith highly contagiouth and thuffered by around one in thevenhundred and thenventy theven point theven people, and there ith no known cure for the lithp exthept a hammer round the jaw.

The world's most famous lisp sufferer and expert is Sir Steve Sussexshireson, from Siracusa in South-East Sicily. He has campaigned against the poor treatment of lisp sufferers for years, claiming "Our righth to vote and share buth-theath with everyone elth should be re-inthtated."

The Government has brushed off this claim, pointing out that they can't understand a bloody word he's saying.