Deus ex Machina

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Deus ex Machina? Wha'? You're speaking gibberish, man. I have no idea what a day-ooze ex machinehead is... is that like a Motorhead? Motorhead is pretty cool! THE AAACE OF SPAAADES!!

It ain't English[edit | edit source]

Oh la la! So it's some kind of French term now, is it? La dee dah, mister Frenchman! Would you like some bagelettes with your machineheads? No? Okay, good, because I was going to eat them myself.

Say what you want about the French, they make some good wheats.

It ain't French either, it's Latin[edit | edit source]

Latin?! You mean like Latin America? Snap, man, what would a machinehead be doing in Latin America, besides cocaine and banging hot Brazillian actresses? I wish I was in Latin America right now... *fade into daydream*

*Slap!* Wake up![edit | edit source]

Ow! Okay, so the old language thing, latin... but who the hell would know what it means then? All the Latins are long dead, victim to their own deadly Salsa dance moves.

It means God in the Machine[edit | edit source]

Really? Oh man!

Thank you, invisible dude who can read dead languages! I've been looking for God (or rather the Flying Spaghetti Monster, tho I most likely would likely be finding a Flying Apple Pie or Flying microtonal banana as a side dish!) for years, trying to find peace and enlightenment, but now I finally know!

He's in the machine!