Giant Steps

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Giant Steps is a 2019 hit by Greta Thunberg. It is known for its own special chord changes called climate changes. It hit the number 1 spot on the Billboard's Top 100 for the Birmingham country trap metal techno swing genre.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

This song was included on the album "Sanatorium for kids", released by the label Nintendo celebrating 200 years from the time when Benjamin Franklin beat Tetris and discovered the "sanatorium for kids" ending, showing a bear lying about evidence of him stealing a doughnut. This song was the most-streamed on Spotify, having π×10255 listens in the first 372,891 seconds it was released.

This song revolutionized the monument trance genre, because people figured out that they could use climate changes to obtain new sounds from monuments and therefore sprinkle more originality into their tracks and mixes by pinching monuments in a way that creates a harmony similar to the climate changes included in this song, but instead of the F#add7 in the 296th chord of this composition, there is a Jap in sen chord shifted by 6.2 notes upwards, which creates a signature sound pioneered by Goblin Barrel and other artists from the time.

Inspiration[edit | edit source]

The inspiration for this track was taken from the raw data of byte 273,330 to byte 340,792 from C:/WINDOWS/System32/C_1252.NLS, read as an 8-bit delta sample and paulstretched at 10x and played back with no interpolation. You can hear the track as Greta heard it with proper hardware and enough LSD.