Forum:The albums game
Right, I stole this idea from somewhere on the Internet. Hit 'randumb page' 12 times. The first page that comes up is the album name, the second is the band or performer and the other ten are the album tracks. You can garnish your album with an album cover from a random page too, if you like.
Note: you might want to discount IllogiGames/IllogiNews pages.
Anyway, here goes...
Arkaso - Toadstools[edit source]
- Bleab
- Fuord
- Schpam
- Fanburgers
- Sandal
- Consumption
- The QD Marked Page
- Hatred
- The End
Man, I'm not joking about the last one! I swear it was random! :) -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 17:37, 22 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
Time for some 'Balls'[edit source]
Click on this muva forker - Old[edit source]
- What Was I Saying?
- Bob Marley
- Marmalade
- Are You Still...Naked?
- I'm coming for you
- Template, definite article, adjective, plural noun, preposition, name or definite article followed by noun, conjunction, definite article, adjective, noun
- Quote:Asema is Temporarily Retarded
- Tastes like chicken
- Ditzimber
Some of them made me laugh --
17:48, 22 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)- I can imagine 'Ditzimber' being an epic, 15 minute long jam with psychedelic guitars... Also, click on this morva forker! and "Are you still naked" are great names. #6 would be the longest title for a song ever. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 17:56, 22 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
The Stuphs with their brand new album "I love you. Go to hell."[edit source]
Including the number one hit "Joke"
And the fantastic Singles, Please don't vandalise, Rennie and Stuttgart Klackon! Mrrshan Diplomacy!.
Also includes Cheese Socks and Solar System.
MNE says "**** Brilliant, the next "Bleab"...Must have album"
darn Balls, gave me an edit conflict, Edit conflicts make seppy mad!--SeppyDon't 17:52, 22 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
- Seriously? That's a fairly good name for an album. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 18:56, 22 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah, Its an awesome name for an album, i'd give it a chance anyway :D --SeppyDon't 19:48, 23 Jumbly 2008 (UTC)
Exit by Christmas Tree[edit source]
New for 2008!
- The contents of your sofa
- Nat Wolff
- Purple bunnies
- The Second Battle For Sesame Street
- Wikiterror
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
- Really bad acting
- This article will never be featured
- Software
- Malpractice: How Big is YOUR Elbow?
Not as good as the first one, but that's the way the cookie grumbles. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 10:23, 17 Ergust 2008 (UTC)
England by Along with every mechanism[edit source]
Greatist hits collection (Stoner's Edition)
- Grand Theft Auto:Antarctica Oscar Wilde LOLLLOLOLO
- PlayStation 5
- Sobaya
- Karl Marx
- ChocalhouSeamus
- Backwards not
- Shall we walk without chain?
- Je vais vous manger
- Pak Fa Yeow
- Earthquake
The upcoming oriental geek-metal band released the album in Feburary, shortly before the lead singer, R2D2, died from a deadly computer virus. His illness is reflected in track 8, "Je vais vous manger," where he begins to think he is a french sock puppet as his hard-drive slowly detriates. --
21:26, 25 Ergust 2008 (UTC)- Wait, this one is once hell of a concept album. Everything has to do with English culture in 2008!
- GTA - reflects the streets of England
- Playstation 5 - the electronical device of choice for the young populace
- Soboya - not a freaking clue what that is
- Karl Marx - credit crunch and capitalism
- Seamus - immigrant workers with poor language skills coming here after seeing an ad on the web
- Backwards not - language of the chav
- Chain - on probation, electronic tag chain
- French one - outsourcing banking to France
- Pak - Beijing Olympic success
- Earthquake - well, have we had any earthquakes this year?
- A few reasons quite ropey but work with me here. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 12:05, 7 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Stone Age by Dlobs[edit source]
- A rather sub-par pop-rock album that got to #7 in the album charts. SEXWAND, my favourite, got to #3 when it was released as a single. Dlobs broke up seven days after killing each other in a giant flamethrower fight (they were melted together). Anyway, yeah, mine's probably the worst fortune on this page xD it sucks 12:13, 7 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
This is too fun for me not to try again[edit source]
War by When[edit source]
- Strong Bad Email
- Reproduce Juice
- Time bomb/4
- This is what came out
- The Adventures of Larry
- Ooglediboogledi
- LOL Clock
- Fly
- IllogiGames:Enter the Realm/Col/SoldierBattle
- A pop effort that faded into obscurity almost as soon as the album was released. Basseing their band and album name on google statistics that showed them to be the two most common search terms. The album is a single driven effort based on the theme of sex, and the bandmembers failed attempts to partake in it.
- Strong Bad Email - a 10 minute long ballad where the lead singer reminices about the email notifying him of the loss of his genitals.
- Reproduce Juice - go ask your mother
- Time bomb/4 - based upon the idea of premature ejaculation, a common theme among the bandmembers
- This is what came out - herpes can have disasterous effects on the reproductive system
- The Adventures of Larry - inspired by the infamous friend "Larry", he used to be part of the band but was fired when he was successfully laid.
- Ooglediboogledi - the bassist's characteristic orgasm moan
- DURRRR IM A HAPPY RETARD - the drummer was in an advanced stage of mad cow disease (sexually transmitted) when he wrote this song.
- LOL Clock - yes, indeed there was a clock, and it made someone "lol".
- Fly - the one word pep-talk the band's manager would give to his reproduce juice as the band were recording.
- IllogiGames:Enter the Realm/Col/SoldierBattle - an Industrial Metal Rock-out, written for use in the latest bond movie "Quantum of shoelace" -- 10:49, 19 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
External Links, the latest gem from Have![edit source]
- Korriban, the heartbreaking ballot about the lead singer's love affair with Turkish female weight lifer Korriban Smeltings.
- Schnozzgabble, a five-minute spoken-word piece about internal organs, praised by critics as "not nearly as disgusting as the next song!"
- Fornicate, a fairly self-explanatory song.
- Illogicopedia - The place of bacon, an avant-garde sound collage featuring 3 minutes of traffic jam noises, followed by a loud scream, then a 16 minute cymbal solo.
- IllogiBooks:Image Captions, 4 minutes of static followed by a loud blast of trombone. Described by the lead singer, Pudgy Piles, as "symbolic of my sex life."
- Cons, featuring Micheal the Walrus on backing vocals, is a heartbreaking song about con artists tricking arctic land mammals into selling the arctic ocean to oil executives.
- The meaning of life, another spoken word track which consists of two words: "Money. Duh." followed by a short kazoo solo.
- IllogiGames:Predicament/DF a power-ballad with brilliant lyrics such as "I love you! You wear a shoe!" and the especially moving, "Let's make love! I'll get my glove!"
- Orange (Ambiguation), a very experimental yet slightly pathetic track which features each band member attempting to create music using an orange.
- The Happy Tree Friends, the closing track, is a folk song featuring a large spruce tree on lead vocals and a chilling acoustic guitar solo by a young pine tree. The song then proceeds into a sound collage of people urinating, which lasts for 30 minutes until the record abruptly ends when the CD explodes, for "artistic effect." --THE 16:48, 19 Octodest 2008 (UTC)
Witch procedure, the diverse debut solo album from Thomas Keith Greening[edit source]
- A docile pig oil, a suttle folk tune in the background, accompanied by the pleasant sound of oily swine. One of the weirdest opening album songs ever made.
- Infinite loop III/step 9, A repetitive techno song with cha cha slide-like dancing instructions
- Some Cars like horses4ever's dad's, a high-tempo rant on how horses should be more like cars. The artist later admitted he was high while recording this song.
- Death by sparrow, a nu metal type song about sparrows being killers. THE SPARROW WAS GONE!
- Babel:Scary, the most depressing song of them all. Basicly screaming and wailing with a xylophone accompaniment.
- Fool on the Hill, cover of sweets 'Fox on the run' with a alternate chorus
- Al-Qaeda, ft. George Bush. Indroduced by Come out, come out wherever you are.. it turns into a full blown punk song against the taliban, terrorists and the east in general.
- Disk Jockeys the most controversial song of them all. Criticised for advertising tapes and vinyl records, most of the song is screaming 'screw CDS'. The only thing that saves the song is the amazing riff in the background.
- Nicaragua - Sang while drinking the popular brand of sports drink it contains gargling complete with drums and a flute. Theme tune for Das Pussyvator.
- Trivial Trivia Closing song. 'Trivial Trivia! Trivia! Trivia!' is repeated about a million times.
Hidden track: Diamond - Keep your CD player on for 3 hours and you will be rewarded by this hidden track. Has been known to instantly shatter human eardrum with its sheer volume.--Ben Blade 13:49, 20 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
Let's do this again![edit source]
Bearterflyger by Misumi Tsurugi[edit source]
- Thailand
- Bjork
- Bad Pun Machine
- Ð
- Situation
- Sad pig
- Not A Conversation
- The Masterpiece of Random Awesomeness
- Second Coming of Christ
- Tastes like chicken
Her/his difficult second album. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 13:14, 24 Yoon 2009 (UTC)
A Brief Argument by Pipes[edit source]
- Shoe - The bravest of all the tracks. Was shunted to the front of the album because of it's heightened ability to deal with rejection.
- Vin Diesel - An ode to increasingly poor action movies and rubbish female leads. Played entirely on the Large Hadron Colliderphone.
- Golly - 1 and a half minutes of pure rock heaven. Literally. They took a rock, a dead one that is, uprooted it and disturbed it's smooth transition to the afterlife so that they could bang it repeatedly against the microphone until lead singer "The Notorious L.A.R.G.E.L.Y.O.V.E.R.W.E.I.G.H.T.B.U.T.N.O.T.HE.L.D.B.A.C.K.B.Y.I.T.,.A.T.L.E.A.S.T.M.U.S.I.C.A.L.L.Y.,.I.'.D.G.U.E.S.S.H.E.W.O.U.L.D.'.V.E.N.E.E.D.E.D.V.I.A.G.R.A.T.O.P.E.R.F.O.R.M.I.N.B.E.D.B.Y.T.H.E.A.G.E.O.F.4.0,.I.F.H.E.H.A.D.N.'.T.H.A.V.E.D.I.E.D"'S arm got tired.
- Rhinoceros Jello - the title track (SHUTUP!) this little baby really puts the git into guitar.
- The new GraNd-Pa v.3352 has mulscular powah! - a cover of a song once sung by a three year old about Megazord during a Power Rangers commercial.
- This is - ahh, who cares.
- A hamster on a keyboard (phenomenon) - Verse Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus CHORUS take on the effects of a hamster being placed onto, or nearby a keyboard.
- Latvia - The country. In MP3 format.
- Anything - They got bored and ran out of ideas.
- Spinge - Ditto.
And there you have eet!
11:02, 25 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)MySpaz by Chocolate coin[edit source]
- Illogic Book/Title Page - the album's opening track, which is played entirely by vegetables.
- Fun - This song introduces the album's overarching theme which satirizes the vanity of teenagers. It sucks.
- Where's The Love? - A gruesome song about cutting open the human body in search of a "love organ," but finding only toothpaste tubes.
- Saddam Hussein - a song about the joys of beard trimming.
- Red Links - a depressing, monotonous song in which a digitally altered voice slowly moans "" over and over for twelve minutes.
- Carrot Abuse - a raucous rock song known to cause headaches in pretty much everybody. It's about teenagers recreationally abusing carrots. Features a reprise of the theme from "illogic book/title page" which symbolized absolutely nothing.
- Illogiworld-male-combat - This song may seem meaningless, but if you play it backwards, it sounds terrible.
- Person - A sound-collage featuring old war news mixed with audio clips from modern pornographic videos, and ending with a looped voice saying "all individuals" over and over.
- Neverending Crybaby Cycle - Another sound collage, this time a tape loop featuring an old man howling in misery, a newborn baby squealing, and an ostrich's mating cry.
- Never Say Never - the uplifting conclusion to the album, which was named "Album of the Year" by absolutely no one.
A-yup. --THE 00:03, 26 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Leprechaun by Bold[edit source]
- We know the Worst article on Illogicopedia - ever - A slow ballad of the horror of the worst article on this site
- Kazakhstan - Another slow song but this time about the wars and hardship in Kazakhstan
- The Final Question: A Story Written In Fullfillment of An Unexpected Disappearence - A song with no words. It's 33 minutes long.
- FOR REALS? - A song about disbelief
- A hamster on a keyboard - An upbeat song about nonsense and babbling
- Tastes like chicken - A song about every leader saying they're doing something different but just doing the same. Like calling a food something else, but it ending up tasting like chicken.
- And in their eyes there are more people - A song about people seeing a small group as more; metaphorically
- De-oderant - Another metaphorical title about leaders covering up the "stench" of problems but not fixing it
- The Real Twilight Zone - A 46 minute song about a strange, unexplored world
- Bring it on down - The final song about picking fights
I tried to make it seem metaphorically serious. I think I did a good job. --T3 01:42, 29 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
Rabbit soup by Dick Johnson Rasidofuagbfdghigdsofiugdfgdsfgdsfgdsthdfghdfhoooooooooooooooooogdfhdfghdfghghydfhfdghdfghdfghgdsgfdsfgsdgfdsgf_vjfgfgffggfgffsopufdfdfsnnnnnnnnnddsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfyashyfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffiasudhfaskdhfaskljdhfaskljhfa[edit source]
- A Day in the Life of a Golf Ball -A sad song about that
- Tin whiskers -heavy metal song about small, furry, and cuddly animals built to KILL
- The Boom Boom Page -the song is basically BOOM BOOM BA BOOM BOOM!!
- An article written while listening to "Whipping Post" by the Allman Brothers Band -Do I even need to say it?
- Hola Verde -uhh, something with a latino theme or something
- Interview with a French guy -the song is in french and contains plenty of err..... "statements" the stupid FCC can't understand french ha ha ha
- Suicide Bombers -really heavy metal song
- Iceland -a song about iceland, preformed Icelandic style with Icelandic instruments. Cannot be preformed in warm studios.
- Tiger toilet paper -banned from radio by FCC
- Toby Keith -little known fact is Dick Johnson Rasidofuagbfdghigdsofiugdfgdsfgdsfgdsthdfghdfhoooooooooooooooooogdfhdfghdfghghydfhfdghdfghdfghgdsgfdsfgsdgfdsgf_vjfgfgffggfgffsopufdfdfsnnnnnnnnnddsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsfyashyfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffiasudhfaskdhfaskljdhfaskljhfa is a huge fan of this country music singer and dedicated this country song to him.
--da Bagelman talk ta mee ! 05:12, 31 Jumbly 2009 (UTC)
"White rabbit" by JON[edit source]
- Asema's actions - This is an opening piece about President Asema's decisions that ending up costing the country.
- Spartan Laser - A 10 minute ballad about how nuclear weapons are like Halo 3's Spartan Lasers; a one-shot kill.
- Dalek - A two and a half minute piece with no words that uses many electronic and "robotic" sounds; hence the name.
- Mind - A upbeat piano song about how immense the human mind is.
- Toothpaste Tube - An upbeat and heavy rock track about how you "can't put toothpaste back in the tube". It has "rantish" lyrics.
- A possible threat to you - A pro-war song talking about how Arabs are "a possible threat to you".
- Brain medication - One of the less serious songs on the album. About how the singer thinks he's crazy.
- Futurology - A sci-fi song about the future.
- Sandwich - An insane drug-induced ballad describing a sandwich.
- R - The last song on the album. 25 minutes. A progressive song, starting with a slow piano opening which works it's way to a crazy rock riff. The song is simply about life in general and contains over 1000 words. The song was listed #2 all time in rock songs (behind Stairway to Heaven of course) because of it's orgasmicness.
As always, I try to take stupid titles and make them into serious songs using metaphors and common phrases. --T3 21:25, 21 Arply 2010 (UTC)
Interesting facts about Toasters by Doofus[edit source]
- YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, A forty-second intro song composed of nothing but one consistent yell and random drum bashings in the background. Released as a single soon after the album's realease, and sold 675,087 copies.
- Bavarian Order of the Spork, a three minute, forty-two second song that nobody really liked. In fact, one person committed suicide after hearing it.
- Ethics, a one day smash; meaning it was heard on the radio and somebody looked it up on the internet. Fizzle ploomp
- Otter, a song which uses light amounts of gunfire to keep listeners interested, since everyone loves guns. The gun shot sounds were strategically placed at 21 second intervals, the approximate time the average curious listener begins to lose interest in a song at, according to a study [
] - Frog sucking, a poolitical statement which nobody could actually understand because the song was recorded underwater near dolphins making noises.
- Rent-a-cop, a slow, acoustic song that was played exclusively by people dressed up as tomatoes.
- Jumping jihovases!, the biggest hit single of the album. Sold 4,056,213 copies in two days, a world record, until McBand released their infamous track "Popular Song", which sold 4,752,912 copies in one day.
- Blub, blub, blub. number two, the second song on the album recorded underwater (hence the "blub, blub, blub")
- Is it a gas?, a prototypical song that used vocals and sounds made by gas release, pressurization, and other processes pertaining to the unique matter.
- Yoda, a song which never specificaly mentions the Star Wars cahracter, but nontheless talks about abnormally large, green, backward-talking boogers.
- Moosebricks, the final song on the album, wherein the vocalist breaks down crying without cutting the track recording. later became a single which went on to sell 2,657,982 copies due to the vocalist's "stunningly funny" and "squeemishly embarassing" breakdown.
And, yeah. —rms talk 00:01, 22 Arply 2010 (UTC)
- If Illogicopedia were to ever release an album, I'm sure it would be an awful lot like this one. -- Hindleyak Converse • ?blog • Click here! 16:52, 22 Arply 2010 (UTC)