User talk:THE

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THis is my talk page, whair you kan talk to me if you wnat to for sum reezon. Old talk page posts are arkived hither beneath a set of binoculars.

Umm...[edit source]

Readmesoon wants you on IRC. You didn't hear it from me. *slips THE twenty dollars* --T3 06:07, 26 Ditzimber 2009 (UTC)

0_0 THE (talk) 02:59, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

3, 2, 1 ...BLAM[edit source]

And you're back in the room[edit source]

I've been thinking about finishing funny people things for a while now. I think being already half written, continuing on with it's probably going to be the best way to restir our creative juices, like getting us writing articles properly again :P So yeah, my plan was to digg out the IRC, kinda add a summary of what we said at the bottom and fix the grammar of the article. But right after I have lunch, it's cold and I really should be hibernating at this time of year Testostereich(ballsack) 10:33, 7 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

Alright, splendid! Let me know when the IRK convo is online, and we'll carrot the sponge! Should be fun finishing this up, we came up with some splendidly ridiculous ending possibilities if I recall the konversation korrectly. --THE 17:15, 8 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Blammo, I'm back. Here's the convo. I'm having trouble thinking about direction right now, but i'm thinking we should read over what we've already done first and fix grammar formatting phrasing wahtever to get us back into it. If you're on soon I'll be on IRC, I can have some alcohol to perk up and we'll do this thing :D Testostereich(ballsack) 18:36, 9 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Splendid! We came up with some pretty funny ideas in that konversation. But yeah doing some pwoofweading before we finish up sounds good. --THE 00:57, 10 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Awsum, just done my bit of the proofreading. Not really sure what I want to do about the bit where Chuck thinks he's dying, unless you can think of Chuck yelling NOOOOOOO WHYYYY etc for a bit then I'll probably leave that as it is, but if you can go for it :P I think we've got a really great little article coming along we'll have to arrange an IRC asap (as sexy ass people) and finish this bad boy. The ending will probably be easier than we think, anyway have fun :D Testostereich(ballsack) 12:37, 12 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
We definitely has a good artikle coming along. I'll be adding more to it soon! --THE 20:14, 17 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
I added a new bit. It's a pretty short bit, just a random idea I got. I imagine the show-within-a-show revelation should be coming soon? --THE 01:50, 18 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Whey, think I've set us up for the big finalé. I'm thinking the escape should probably involve them running from the guards who gradually exhibit more and more TV like symptoms until Chuck and the two men eventually run through a curtain into a studio, obviously anticipated by the host. (I imagined it'd be a late night chat show thing). I've got a couple of lines saved we could use there if you want to go down that route, but yeah, nearly done ^_^
Also, I'm thinking we should break it up into 2 - 4 chapters/chapter-variant or something. Just to..well...break it up abit. :P What do you think? Testostereich(ballsack) 18:05, 18 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Just one other thing, umm, I've played around with that screaming bit too much now to know what's good for it, so could you decide what to do about it please? :-D Go nuts, just keep me away from it Testostereich(ballsack) 18:16, 18 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I think we should definitely break it up in to chapters, I suppose we could put chapter breaks wherever we put the breaks in the text as we were initially writing. I haven't read back over that screaming part yet, but I'll take a peek at it and perhaps tweak it in some way, although it might not need tweakin. --THE 19:50, 18 Jeremy 2010 (UTC)

I assume you're awake[edit source]

Since I know you're an insomniac you wanna hop on da irc? PWEEZE!!! --T3 06:57, 20 Arche 2010 (UTC)

What T3canolis Said[edit source]

The subtitle makes it seem more important? vaGinonater I exist! 07:01, 20 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Ah, I missed these messages by about an hour last night. Bummer! I might be on irk sometime tonight. Shorry I missed ya last night. r --THE 15:40, 21 Arche 2010 (UTC)
It's fine. I convinced Ginonater to get ChatZilla and he was kinda sorta complaining that no one was on IRC. I tried to tell him that it was like 9 in England and 3 here and maybe RMS would be on. He wasn't so I figured since you always talk about how you can't sleep I'd see if you were on. No worries. --T3 18:32, 21 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Hey Guud Looken[edit source]

Anyways, with people do the funniest things!, yeah i put in the !, I think we took a wrong turn when i started writing the prison bit, we should have really started to wrap it up there instead of letting it meander. That's what I think anyway, what do you? But yeah I'm proposing we cut it back to that point and start the ending which could maybe have more of like an action/general events focus rather than TV - for some reason that's always how I imagined the ending. Anyway, please tell me what you think. If you can't be arsed with it anymore just say and I'll try and finish it myself or something, but that'd be lame so please be arsed :P also, Chuck's got to ask why one of the characters keeps winking into the middle distance :P Anyway, take it easy mán Testostereich(ballsack) 12:12, 23 Arche 2010 (UTC)

I do think the prison part was where we started running out of ideas. I really like some of the endings we brainstormed, but perhaps we could find some way to work them in as an "action-y" end, although maybe the reason we've been so slow at finishing this up is because something about the tv twist idea just doesn't work. I dunno though, cuz I think it's a good idea. Sorry I've been so crappy at keeping up with working on the story, I've been procrastinating. I'm totally up for staying on board to finish though! I do think there are some funny, clever moments in the prison part...maybe if we made the prison part now a lot shorter (like, a super-abridged version) to keep the best jokes in it, then we plunged in to the end. --THE 14:53, 23 Arche 2010 (UTC)
Sounds like a plan. And yeah, that something that doesn't work is partly why I don't think we've finished. Maybe the point would be not to make a point and just invent some cool random situation for Chuck to end up in, regardless of closure etc. Maybe Testostereich(ballsack) 15:01, 23 Arche 2010 (UTC)

K, I'm going to start abridging it all now, hopefully after they get into the prison we could cut all that down to a paragraph or something. I'm thinking we need another super go team brain storm though, :P and it might be an idea to start our thinking from when he's on the way to the prison - like incase we can't think of anything to do once he's in prison. Anyway yeah, it's gunna be hard to think of how to end it, but if we can it'll be awsum. :D Testostereich(ballsack) 20:42, 23 Arche 2010 (UTC)

Also[edit source]

I had an idea. I was thinking prison wasn't the best move so I drafted this script bit that'd take us from when Chuck gets out the police car to a situation where we can put Chuck into any situation we like. There are good bits in the prison, and if we can continue that line it'd be great, but if you want to we could use this as a bridge to creative freedom. Anyway, hope you like it, it's all just hypothetical and tell me what you think. :D

They soon arrived at the prison.

"Lock me up with your most dangerous criminal," said Chuck eagerly as they walked up the gravel path towards the prison gate, "Have you got any cannibals in there?"

"We had two of them, but we let them go to free up room for the gay couple that tried to get married."

Chuck shuddered. "Well don't lock me up with the gays. Nobody wants to watch THEM on tv. Got any serial killers?"

"A few, yeah. We can put you in with them I guess."

"YEAH! Maybe they'll DISEMBOWEL me! You'll let me keep my camera, right?"

One of the policemen whispered to the other, who snorted. "Sure," said the policeman.

"Hey, how are you doing that?" said Chuck, ignoring their sniggers.

"Doing what?" asked one of the officers.

"You know what I mean, making the ground around you two magically darker." said Chuck already fumbling with his camera. "It's amazing."

And indeed it was. The ground on which the two policemen were standing was steadily becoming encompassed by a mysterious shapeless black, growing rapidly in size as the sound of screaming began to fill their ears. The policemen looked up.


It was a few minutes before the dust settled. Rubbing the sand from his eyes, Chuck groggily stared into the cloud, hoping to see the source of the commotion. Standing half naked and sporting a huge grin, was the suicidal old man from earlier. "Oh hey Chuck, what's cracking?"

"You? YOU? But, but, I saw you die! I saw you leap from that bridge to your watery grave. I, I.. how the hell are you sky diving?!"

"I dunno, when I jumped off that bridge I landed here." said the old man shrugging. Reaching down on the ground he pulled his hearing aid from where it lay impaled in his foot then reattached it. "Sorry about your friends."

"My friends?"

The old man pointed, indicating the two severely dead policeman he was now standing on.

"Oh right, of course them." said Chuck, poking one of them hard in the eye. It contracted inwards and caused the other eye to bulge out grotesquely, eventually succombing to the pressure and popping. Now covered with blood and vitrious jelly Chuck helped the man down off their backs.

"Thank you. Y'know, I'm really starting to get used to this whole new lease on life thing. I've got so much left to give to the world. I think I'll start by visiting my son, we haven't spoke for almost 10 years." sniffed the old man sadly. "Yo, Chuck?"

Chuck was standing perfectly still, staring straight ahead without blinking.

"Uhh, Chuck? I know you're there." said the man, looking concerned.

"Shhh you idiot," Chuck uttered trying to fit the words out of the smallest opening possible.

"What is it?"

"You didn't kill the dog." mumbled Chuck, slowly shuffling backwards with a look of pure terror.

"There's a dog?!" The old man screamed, leaping a full 3 feet backwards. Chuck caught him.

Lying sideways on the asphault next to the steadily decomposing officers was the stuffed dog, clearly dead, the large atttached tag reading "STUFFED" shining in the sun. One of it's eyes fell off and began to roll away.


So there, any ideas? Testostereich(ballsack) 21:36, 23 Arche 2010 (UTC)

I like it! Kinda random but random is good. Where were you thinking of going with it? Revealing the twist in a crazy, chaotic way? Hopefully we can IRK soon. I tend to be a late-night IRK lurker, which is a bit of a problem given our time zone difference, but we'll figure somethin' out. I do think the idea of having something like that happen is promising, it helps keep us from getting stuck in prison. --THE 21:05, 24 Arche 2010 (UTC)
Nice, glad you liked it. If you tell me what time zone you're on I can work round it :D Testostereich(ballsack) 21:10, 24 Arche 2010 (UTC)
*slips out of hole in the ground* EST. *slips back in* --T3 00:55, 26 Arche 2010 (UTC)

T'anks[edit source]

for not banning Ginonater. You probably should have but... yeah. I agree, he was stupid and should have done something civil. I don't know if he's actually going to, but he claims that he'll keep vandalizing until Testostereich is blocked and doesn't just unblock himself. I'll probably make up some crap about how some resolution was made. I don't understand why he sees such a problem with what Testicles did but I want him to stop. He's being immature and childish and quite honestly acting like a five year old. I think we need to see what TReich has to say about this and I hope it's something other than justifying it. He's an idiot and claims he's a martyr for something. He doesn't understand that no one gives a shit other than him about this. I hope that TReich says something that Ginonater likes and will stop vandalizing for. When he makes another malicious edit, immediately block him please. I really don't care whether or not he quits the site forever because he's wrong in every sense. Do I think TReich abused his power? Yes. Do I care? No. So... Yeah. I'm happy you told him civilly to stop because you know especially that I have a problem with being civil. Who knows? You might be the one to block TWO people from ______, Florida! --T3 20:46, 4 Arply 2010 (UTC)

Vandal[edit source]

There's an IP on the loose. That Rembrandt guy is reverting him like a mofo but he needs banning. His IP is --T3 04:20, 2 Aym 2010 (UTC) That's the vandal's IP Address. Please ban him so Illogicopedia can be rid of this user. Thank you <insert username here>Human Resources 05:16, 2 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for lettin' me know, gents! Sorry I missed 'im. I have exams and such so I'm barely alive at the moment, 'tis why I missed yer messages for so long.1.1..1 --THE 19:46, 3 Aym 2010 (UTC)

TEH[edit source]

Hey, basically thanks for keeping the site full of articles really. I was also gonna show you something epic I'd compiled, but I used it as a bookmark and it hasn't been seen since. Made me kinda cranky Testostereich(ballsack) 16:30, 14 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Hey testes ol' buddy! No worries. Also, I'll be done with finals very soon, in which case we could potentially finish up our artikle! Or we could procrastinate on it more! Either way, nice hearing from you :) --THE 16:19, 15 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Well, inspired by your monster article I devised a list of like 30 possiuble endings we could use, most were a bit rubbish, one was just the word "WUT?", but there was a couple on it I thought were really good, and would have like made the article. But as I said, I lost the list a few weeks back and I'm worried that it'll be gone forever. I could try and rethink it, and I will, but I too have exams so yeah :P Also, I know you like streams of conciousness and all, but write more straight articles! They were always funny and I miss them. Testostereich(ballsack) 22:55, 16 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Good luck finding the list of possible endings, sounds cool! And good luck with your exams! I'll be done with mine kwite soon, just a bit more soul-crushing, stressful insanity to endure. And yeah, my writing's been on a really nonsense-heavy streak lately, no clue why. I do indeed enjoy writing that ridiculous stream of consciousness stuff, but I can see why the lack of any articles with coherent sentences would get frustrating after a while. I had a pretty funny straight article idea the other day, but then I forgot it. I'll see what's kicking around up there in my brain, keep an eye out for my new artikles and hopefully you'll get some more straight(ish) ones. --THE 03:07, 17 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Collaboooo[edit source]

My school year is over so... yeah. That collabo we talked about a couple weeks ago is now possible (assuming your sexams are over). So... 'chea. *hums "School's Out" by Alice Cooper*. --T3 17:05, 26 Aym 2010 (UTC)

Skool's out for me too!! Huzzah! My summer has been busier than I anticipated so far, real life shtuff and all, but I'm up for workin' on something! My aktivity on here is probably gonna get erratic for a while so it might be a slow-moving collab, but it can still happen. Cauliflor?W --THE 15:16, 27 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Isn't may a little early for a summer holiday?--Ben Blade 16:58, 27 Aym 2010 (UTC)
Kollege got out in May! Although that's irrelevent, because I'm in preschool! --THE 03:05, 28 Aym 2010 (UTC)
So... chea... The ideas I have are none so I figure when you or I comes up with a good title we can go from there. Some I've been thinking of are Digestion: A Memoir, Legacy of a Man With no Arms, Feet, Legs... Pretty much he was screwed if he went swimming, or Questioning the Answer of the Previous Question that involved... I don't know what I'm talkin' bout. --T3 13:12, 29 Aym 2010 (UTC)
All splendid titles! I rather like Digestion: a Memoir. Perhaps we could do that 'un, though I have no clue how the article would turn out! --THE 16:08, 1 Yoon 2010 (UTC)
That was my favorite, too. I do wonder what it will be like, too. --T3 17:00, 1 Yoon 2010 (UTC)
Okay great, we can start an artikle under that title. Digestion is a very...narrow topic? So we might not be able to draw it out to epic length. But if it doesn't work out we could always delete it or replace it with something short & nonsensical and start anew. --THE 22:13, 1 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

The day my china cabinet went bloodthirsty is a much preferred title. —rms talk 17:29, 1 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

Brings back too many traumatic memories of bloodthirsty furniture! *shudder* --THE 22:13, 1 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

So cha... I'm starting [[Digestion: A Memoir now because of boredom. You can pick it up next. w00t 4 teh c0114bz! --T3 06:59, 12 Yoon 2010 (UTC)

feeet? Eurgh[edit source]

You got it smelly Testostereich(ballsack) 07:21, 20 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

I GOTAT FeeAaeAAT! TH/Ank you testes! I heart you! Sorry I've vanished abruptly. I still exist I promise, though my activity's still gonna be unpredictable and sparse for a while. OA --THE 12:41, 20 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
Getting up in the afternoon and wearing shorts isn't do my creative buzz much good either. Some point after I've waded through this week's friendation I'll get on to making that aritcle that we made that one time finish or something. I'm pretty sure the idea I had will come back if I find the right trigger :P Anyway take it easy man Testostereich(ballsack) 12:49, 20 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
Yes indeed, that artikle will be finished at some point in the future for sure! Splendid. Mong --THE 03:21, 30 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)
Blarglschnapps, reply, here, on this page, now. Do eeet Testostereich(ballsack) 03:23, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
CARROTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --THE 13:24, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

Carrots taste like fnardles Testostereich(ballsack) 13:43, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

i like carrots.--Seppy 14:35, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
PAKGT-re JG 3JR --THE 18:02, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
Jaguar? --Seppy 19:28, 4 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

Hey there[edit source]

I've been here off and on for a bit. I've contributed monstrosities such as this and this and I think this and this and some other stuff. Guess you must have never noticed me around before. But anyway, thanks for "welcoming" me. I guess history really does repeat itself --ColbertNation 13:19, 30 Jumbly 2010 (UTC)

Reviving a dead collabo?[edit source]

Remember Digestion: A Memoir? Do you want to revive it? School starts on the ninth so I'd at least like to get working on it by that time. FUCK! School's back! Apparently, since I'm taking Honors Biology AND AP Human Geography, I'm gonna have a lot of homework but that's why weekends were invented, amirite? Anyway, I'm telling you this pretty much because what I mean is that I want to finish the collabo by next-next Monday (because the first week of school is easy)... So, yeah... I see you're active so whaddayasay? It's nearly 4... I probably should be going to bed... I don't know why I'm telling you this but anyway... Goodbye/night. --T3 07:57, 2 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

I think so. You can take over primary kontributing duties on it though, at least for now, because the last few times I tried adding to it I ended up just sort of staring at it for a little while then moving on and doing something else. Couldn't think of where to take it. Perhaps after work today I shall edit it and just start making stuff up and see where it takes me! Schleep well. --THE 12:06, 2 Ergust 2010 (UTC)


Sepek! Make sure im okay ! make sure i h ave the tthe.

Long story short, I want your hands. I need them to make an article. I want to make an uber epic. Called Innsmouth. Testicles has been invited too.--Romanducky.jpg|Fonchezzz| Quacking|Smile no.jpg 15:42, 12 Ergust 2010 (UTC)

Hm. Testicles' balls, THE's hands... I'm sure there's a pretty good indecent joke article in there somewhere. Happy innuendo hunting, dudes! -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 17:57, 12 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
Sounds like it could be a blast! I'm sort of good at starting collabs and then promptly forgetting about them, so my kontrbiutionas may not be extensive. I'll chip in at the very least though, with pleazzure. OWMew4 --THE 23:07, 15 Ergust 2010 (UTC)
I'm backish. I still exist anyway, and will most likely randomly pop in and write artikles now and then. DON W A G --THE 23:22, 19 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

Heh[edit source]

Seeeth you are back. Hello and flabbye.--ColbertNation 19:32, 19 Serpeniver 2010 (UTC)

THE!!!!![edit source]

Where are you, man? —rms talk 22:13, 17 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

I've been kwite bzuszy with time konsuming real world thing. Things. WOErt? I hope everllything is being good here. THE GRANDEST UM DID YOU SAHY --THE 23:03, 17 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
Are you like me, where you check every day but fail to edit? —rms talk 23:36, 17 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
I'll usually do a quick check at the very least every day...ish. If you define 48 to 72 hours as a "day." SPELRM --THE 03:04, 18 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
That's not a day, you flarging boof! A day is the time it takes for the Earth to complete exactly one rotation around the moon!rms talk 04:06, 18 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
No, a day is how long it takes the sun to orbit half of itself in a semi-cohesive plasmic mass. The moon's gravity is what manipulates the mass.
Also, hello, person whose userpage I just barged onto. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101018 - 04:48 (UTC)

THE[edit source]

You are hereby formally invited to please come discuss a horribly pressing issue regarding a lack of active admins. Will you provide your input on the matter?

Mind, I only say 'formally' because I'm wearing a shiny hat. That makes me formal, no? And I'm doing the inviting... ye-es... Eh, please just get over there. >.< ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101019 - 18:21 (UTC)

Thanks, mon. *hugs ye and dashes off* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101019 - 18:55 (UTC)

TEH![edit source]

I noticed most titles on this were TEH so I thought I'd fight the power and be outrrrrageous. Yeah. So whats up? Testostereich(ballsack) 12:45, 21 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

TSETROTSERIECH! ! Hi there, I missed you. TE I'm doing well, life's been kwite an adventure lately. It'SSSSSSS been lovely but busy but happy thing. How are you??! e --THE 14:39, 21 Octodest 2010 (UTC)
I'm good, slowly trying to get over my work-induced narcolepsy, I managed to write a whole sentence without getting bored and checking this earlier :D That's abrararaout it really, umm, yeah. T! Testostereich(ballsack) 18:29, 21 Octodest 2010 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia is filled with evil Nazis.[edit source]

We need to get Unrelated Quote guy over here, but the admins wont let me see it. HELP! I have requested back up from that crazy dude with the shifty eyes. I feel like he needs to live on somewhere, and the admins aren't complying. WHY WHYY WHYYY?!?!?!?--Duckwiki2.png|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 01:34, 3 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Did you ask the aardvarks to restore it to your userspace? They could make a page called "User:Fonchezzz/UQG" or something and restore it to there, and from there you could kopy paste it over here where I'm sure it would find a loving home. I wish you best of luck! Hop --THE 03:20, 3 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
For some reason they dont want to move it to a usserspase.--Duckwiki2.png|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 19:02, 3 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

It is done, my lord.[edit source]

Just spread his goodness on my pages. I couldn't stand to see your art vanish in page histories of the pages he wrote his quotes. I went back and redistributed the classics. I <3 yoo and UQG. I think he'll be happy here.--Duckwiki2.png|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 02:57, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

Good on you. Just don't overdo, k?--Sig.png (Talk) (Contributions) 06:44, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Si. WOn;'t do. I did it too many of my own articles, and made it look less like spam. I am done fer now. Don't worry I can take things in moderation Okay maybe I can't but.... we can make an exception.--Duckwiki2.png|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 11:15, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
YAY I am delighted to see that he's found a loving home here after his originally family exiled him. Uncylopedia isn't very good at accepting artikles after they come out of the closet and confess to being bizarre or illogical. Thankfully illogicopedia is a beacon of tolerance, setting an exmAMPle AMFPOR for thaa,f.gv . aJERRTJG AND TY WA S WANTS RAIN IN THE EYHES TOGJ SANDWHCI CHAINS CHAINS AND. I love you too fonchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --THE 21:45, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Also I forgot how enjoyable those quotes we composed are. "There's gold, and then there are pants" indeed. --THE 21:49, 9 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Did someone mention pants?! O__O ~ Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 10 Novelniver 2010 - 01:02 (UTC)
Wait...ointment? --THE 01:32, 10 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
AGH?! ~ Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 10 Novelniver 2010 - 02:55 (UTC)

Yo[edit source]

Hey, nice stuff spotting that vandal and giving him what for. This guy's rather persistent, eh? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 20:49, 10 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)

He is indeed. Someone REALLY doesn't like talk pages. I'll check ?pedia more frequently in case anyone else needs their butt kicked. --THE 03:56, 11 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Thank you, THE. For actually bothering. ~ Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 11 Ditzimber 2010 - 06:08 (UTC)

Help... please.[edit source]

Could you please, please, please, for the love of all things shiny, block these:

The first two are actually apparently a different vandal from the other one, but it seems to also rather like making a mess of this place. And I know they haven't done anything yet, but the names are just a mite similar to the names of the accounts it has already used. (say, Uncyclopedian 6666 (TalkContribsBlock (rem-lst-all)LogsGroups) and Uncyclopedian 666 (TalkContribsBlock (rem-lst-all)LogsGroups)... not exactly imaginative, is it?)

The rest, however, are further unblocked socks of the same one that has been making most of the mess of late. I do not know why Silent Penguin has only been blocking one or two at a time, but if you look at the contributions (although you may have to go back a ways with some, and ignore the past with others), the overlap should become apparent. Hopefully giving them all a solid blocking might help, though.

Also, if some of the names look familiar, the thing seems to like making new accounts as users that were on the old Illogicopedia before the move. Yay, more with which to confuse us...

Blargle. I make a point to be more stubborn and lazy than vandals, but you admins just have me beat, hands down. Yes, I'm annoyed. Should I be annoyed? I like to think I should be annoyed... still, if you have the time to actually do something about this, I'd be rather obliged. I'm asking you since you seem to have been the most obliging so far, though. ~ Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 12 Ditzimber 2010 - 17:48 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up! Mass blocking in progress. Sorry I haven't been able to be more watchful of illogicopedia! Life is absolutely insane for me in the real world at the moment. Thanks so much for your help and your diligence! --THE 20:37, 12 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Oh, yay... you did something! And more than just block them, too... insane life or no, you seem to have been the first to actually do something besides take one look and back away, for which you again have my thanks. There still much to be done, but... eh. At least the desperately trying random stuff seems to be over. (No, I'm not going to say what I mean by that. Good day.) ~ Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 12 Ditzimber 2010 - 22:21 (UTC)

Have you a moment to oblige again?[edit source]

I went through the mess and sorted through the histories as best I could - except for whatever I may have missed, it should all be either reverted now or on QD in some fashion. If you've time, will you be a dear and have at it, Mr. person with buttons? Cheers. ~ Pointy.png 07:05, 13 Ditzimber 2010

Absolutely fantastic thanks a lot! I shall have at the mess. --THE 18:19, 13 Ditzimber 2010 (UTC)
Thank you for that; very impressive deletionry. It all looks so much better now, too... ~ Pointy.png 02:08, 14 Ditzimber 2010

/bump —rms talk 05:08, 3 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
WOT?!?!?! CARORT? --THE 05:11, 3 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

YAAAY!!![edit source]

THE you old bastard (for a word I spent most of my childhood being told off for saying it does seem to be the highest accolade I can give people these days) its good to be back. Figured I might write an article, and the concept I've got for it is pretty dynamite but I've got no idea how to go about it yet. Anyway I'm back, your back, moustaches grow on my back and life is good. You fancy seeing if we can finish PDTFT any time soon or what? :D Testostereich(ballsack) 03:35, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Huzzah!! My writing's been in an extremely abstract place lately. 'Sbeen a long time since I've written something comprehensible along the lines of PDTFT, but hey, I'd be up for giving it a shot. Or at least I'd be up for talking about doing it, then forgetting about it like we did those last 14 times :). I'm still down with some variation on the ending we originally discussed, where it turns out that our hero has been being filmed the whole time. Maybe we should just do a quick, simple ending? Maybe the ambitious weird stuff was what's been holding us back? How about one of the walls of his "cell" abruptly gets wheeled off or something and there's a film crew there, and they tell him that he's been the star of a TV show. They can say something along the lines of "The ratings have dropped the last few weeks. We thought there'd be a ratings boost if you were eaten by lions." And then they loose lions on him, and he gets eaten while a studio audience cheers? Fade out, credits roll. Whaddya think? Simple but it seems pretty true to the whole satirical thing the artickle had going. --THE 04:24, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I like the idea of using that ending, but I think its a bitevident we were clutching at straws by the prison scene so I say we roll it back a bit to when he arrives at the prison or something. They dump him due to lack of ratings etc, and then as they're showing him the door inform him that PDTFT is actually a well known show in Colombia and he's being sued for massive copyright violation? Anyway yeah what do you think Testostereich(ballsack) 12:47, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
That sounds great! Yeah we could end it with his arrest and arriving at prison and then it's cancelled. Boom done, and we've got rid of the part where we ran out of ideas and starting rambling. --THE 18:29, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

ALSO..[edit source]

He Kicked the Wart has 39 S's, 46 if you count the end bit about counting them up. And you spelled free when you should have spelled it as three :P Battery orgasm. Testostereich(ballsack) 12:47, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Your shipment of "He Kicked the Wart" coffee mugs, t-shirts, posters, and placemats (in FOUR DIFFERENT COLORS) is shipping TODAY!!!! --THE 18:31, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)


Right, I added a bit of that script I suggested earlier to PDTFT, added some new stuff, and BAM. I ran out of ideas at that point but all you've got to do is rap it up :D Testostereich(ballsack) 23:33, 5 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Okay I put an end on!!!!!! Change it around if you like!! But OH MY GOODNESS OUR ARTIKLE IS ACTUALLY KIND OF SORT OF FINISHEDISH!!! --THE 00:48, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Its good, I like how it ends with the credits line. Yeah, we cut out before it dragged on, pour yourselves a drink I think we've managed it. We'll have to do this again sometime :DTestostereich(ballsack) 01:11, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Just looked, crikey, a year and a half? Our apathy clearly needs to be commended Testostereich(ballsack) 01:24, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
WELL DONE MY FRIEND! *thumps on back* Yeah, we'll have to do it again sometime, something to look forward to over the next year and a half! :) --THE 02:19, 6 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)

Huggles and muffins[edit source]

You are to be praised for general on-top-of-things-ness. At least, the moose I asked seemed to think so.

Begs the question, don't it? What's more important, obsidian or slate? ~ Pointy.png 17:48, 19 Jeremy 2011

Slate, bro. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 17:51, 19 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
Huggles? Why, Athyria? Although muffins can be yummy.--Colonel Sanders/Colonel Battaleaxe 18:00, 19 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
All euphemisms have roots in other things - it is these other things that cover for them. But what of the other things, themselves? ~ Pointy.png 19:10, 19 Jeremy 2011
T%HANK!!! Athyria, you as well are to be praised for being on top of things. Praise!!! MUFFINS! OTHER things. --THE 14:58, 22 Jeremy 2011 (UTC)
I'm not on top of things, though... I don't even know what kind of rock to get. Other kinds? ~ Pointy.png 21:25, 22 Jeremy 2011

You win.[edit source]

That thing. That you won. Again. I just thought you should know. Because you did. And you wouldn't see it. Unless you looked. Because you might. Because it's there. It's always there. And now you're there. Yay.


Cheese is so slippery... ~ Pointy.png 07:36, 2 Farbleum 2011

Yay! Thankee! I SLIPPED ON CHEESE JUST THE OTHER D AY --THE 05:27, 7 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Poor dear; are you okay? ~ Pointy.png 17:52, 11 Farbleum 2011
I leanred --THE 01:21, 13 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)


Hey hey hey, wassabi? Haven't been on in a while, all this not being on in a while is mixing with herbs and spices and causing me not to write. So yeah, to remiddle that we should write something. Like a horse, or more likely an article. Just saying, if you're not doing anything for the next year and a half.. :P WUV YOU maybe I'm coming on a little too strong Testostereich(ballsack) 09:43, 13 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

Hey look, a TESTICLE!
I'm doing pretty well. My life's the busiest I can ever remember it being, which on the good days is exhilerating, and on the bad days is somewhere between overwhelming and mind-numbingly exhausting. I'm totally up for the creation of a cranberry. Maybe it'll take us EIGHT years this time!!!! AMD i'. Anywho.
WOTS OF WUV FOREVEW AND EVEW --THE 04:02, 17 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
YEAARGH!! Unfortunately I chose the worst possible time to propose this, as many many essays are suddenly pulling at my leg, asking to be written while the forces of oppression do their best to take them away from me. It might be 2 or 3 weeks before I get some free time, but when I shall I'll drop you a line B-) Testostereich(ballsack) 11:18, 3 Arche 2011 (UTC)

My belly recently spake to me[edit source]

It said thus: You clever bag of iced poop. You look as farty as a packet of salty drills and you taste of brittle banks.

I translated it into mandarin, just to see the look on its faces= 你聪明袋冰船尾。你看起来像一包咸演习farty脆性银行和你的味道。 --Fnewsig1.jpgFnewsig2.jpg 17:32, 19 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)

Were there nipples? --THE 22:44, 19 Farbleum 2011 (UTC)
Reducibly not. Fairly balanced square to be honest enough! --Fnewsig1.jpgFnewsig2.jpg 19:05, 8 Arche 2011 (UTC)
Square? Rice Krispy Squares? Not had them in ages. -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 19:08, 8 Arche 2011 (UTC)
Rice and yarrow stalks makes an Indian wish he was Chinese! --Fnewsig1.jpgFnewsig2.jpg 23:25, 8 Arche 2011 (UTC)
Oh look an THE! —rms talk 02:31, 16 Arche 2011 (UTC)
Ag, aig anf Ont thwa was gnge? --THE 15:06, 16 Arche 2011 (UTC)

This ham is green and full of holes and will probably kill you[edit source]

But it was in my hair. Can you say that's what was supposed to happen? ~ Pointy.png 21:33, 26 Yoon 2011

Mud came out of the top of the canoe and dribbled down my shirt, forming a straight line pointing directly at the center of the earth and presumably going up someone's nose on the other side. A nose is a cavity much like a canoe. A head is round, much like the world. If green ham had holes and was on your head, you have a planet. --THE 22:59, 26 Yoon 2011 (UTC)
What about the giants? There were giants, and since they decided to eat everybody's noses, then those are the only cavities left. The holes came later. ~ Pointy.png 15:00, 9 Ergust 2011

Hello again[edit source]

Todd L here, now writing under another name. Witness Protection Program thing, you see. Can't say much about it really. Great to see you still active and writing, and with a sysop job to boot. And upon further reflection, I think I just blew my cover with WPP. I wasn't here; we never talked. ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 01:54, 6 Ergust 2011 (UTC)

Yo! No worries, your secret is safe with me. Todd L? I remember that guy. Such a shame he mysteriously disappeared and was replaced with someone else with a mysteriously similar writing style!!!!! There we go, got you covered. Thank you, and good to see you're around as well! --THE 23:42, 6 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
Our little secret. :) ~ The Bard of Illogicopedia TinyQuill.gif 12:00, 9 Ergust 2011 (UTC)
SECRETS?! Where?! Not on my watch, you... OOOOO! A SQUIRREL! *dashes after it* ~ Pointy.png 14:36, 9 Ergust 2011

Sup?[edit source]

Sup? Testostereich(ballsack) 22:30, 29 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)

Soup?--Noodles2.jpg (Talkies) (artikles) 22:54, 29 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)
No, no soup. Well, maybe, maybe we could find a way for their to be soup. 23:08, 29 Ditzimber 2011 (UTC)

knock knock[edit source]

saw saw you in persun a thjeee

on the loose.
in the mornin.
in the new year.
knowck. keep knocking. no answer. as when you go a nock nockin on a coffin, the boy inside ain't like to open up.

knock knowck--Duckwiki2.png|Fonchezzz| Quacking| 19:02, 16 Yoon 2014 (UTC)

Hello[edit source]

I take it this is the same user from classic ?pedia who left the wiki in 2011? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:12, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Yes. THE (talk) 03:15, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Right. I think you'll find things have changed around here. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 03:17, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Yes THE (talk) 04:29, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
I am flesh and blood. THE (talk) 14:05, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
That's nothing. I'm flesh without blood living with my venus fly trap in the vivid dream. Cg098 (talk) 05:01, 6 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Talkback[edit source]

YOU GOT MAIL which is a sausageTHE at... Lol's talk page.

“see you later alligator”

~ Gruntled on Banning People

I am not the admin, but I think you are cornered now.

Detectiv lol always finished a case, ya know.

If you turns out to be a real one (answer to this correctly), please have mercy. there was a lot of Brazilian madness here and there recently. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:46, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Brazilians? Oh... THE (talk) 13:52, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
That's right. Brazilians talks like you right now. that's where all of this suspicion started. anyway, stop avoiding answer.

“You're meat.”

~ XY007 on Handling Naughty boy

Give Me The Answer Now. Or I'm Writing News.Yes. I'm a reporter of IP:TIMES! 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
13:56, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

I am flesh and blood. THE (talk) 14:06, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
You know, XY007 told me that "You're meat" is something that means "You're in big trouble now". I didn't know that. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:08, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Do you want to stop it? THE (talk) 14:10, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Stop what.
  • Getting harsh on you? yes. I know how it feels when ditched by oldbie. sorry about that.
  • Being an Illogicopedian cuz you'll ban me? no. they know me.
  • Suspecting you? no. CASE IS CLOSED.
Leave this account. start again with your unique account. 👈 lol 👉  lol w/ meJOIN US
History of lulzz
14:15, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Why do you want me to leave this account, you're mad at me? THE (talk) 14:18, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Well, if you are an impersonator and not the real THE, then yes. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:57, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC) Side note: Have you made your sacrifices to the Moose Gods of Canadia recently?
Haha, no! THE (talk) 23:34, 4 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Are you the original THE or a noob?[edit source]

I'm confused. Who are you? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:24, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)

I am THE (original) THE (talk) 00:27, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
How can we be sure? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 01:04, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Yeah, everything changed. I'm tired. THE (talk) 01:11, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Apologies for the persistence of my adolescent comrades[edit source]

It seems that they neglected to see the green "THE r adminz" on Recent Changes and that they also pounced on what they perceived to be your "poor" English, which made them suspect that you might be a Brazilian nuisance. I know for a fact that you're the actual THE.

Anyway, what made you come back here after a six-year hiatus? Were the sandwiches starting to get a bit too rancid when they replaced the waiter with a senile old baboon? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:51, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)

No. Other case. THE (talk) 01:55, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Were the bats getting too testy with their new biotechnological upgrades? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:58, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
A problem: THE was not a registered account since the server move. Looking at Special:ListAdmins, THE is not an admin. The reason it shows up as green in RecentChanges is because the CSS was done before the server move, when registered THE was an admin. So, I'm still bothered. In any case, I'm sure the foreigners will continue. But if you are the actual THE, we must transfer your permissions. Furthermore, I apologise for my hormonal fluctuations. Sjink. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 02:09, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
XY007, Okay. THE (talk) 02:26, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
YEah, we've had a 10 year old rekaizuming around here, so admin senses are a bit heightened lately LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 18:16, 5 Aym 2017 (UTC)
What? THE (talk) 16:08, 6 Aym 2017 (UTC)

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but this whole situation seems a bit too elaborate for Louis. Cg098 (talk) 01:58, 7 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Hi THE.[edit source]

My walrus met a baboon today. Awesome sight.--I cat tall the dark (talk) 23:38, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Oh, hello... My new account: THIS THE (talk) 01:27, 19 Aym 2017 (UTC)

What did you know about? Justin (koavf) TCM 22:52, 14 Yoon 2017 (UTC)

At THE current time THE, I think you came back for THE new wiki and then left THE wiki again. What?[edit source]


00:41, 12 Ergust 2017 (UTC)